Performance Improvement

3 Best-in-Class Resource Capabilities


Automated Payments Solution ("ePayables")

Value: Provides cash at no cost, cost savings on current processes, minimal work


Impact: $15,000 per $1M processed through program (Guarantees minimal 25% more

rebates than current program.

Patient Self Pay Solution

Value: Provides non-recourse payment for 70% of all patient balance owed within 2-weeks then provides discount incentives in value to patients.


Impact: Accelerates and increases cash flow, increases staff focus and productivity,

increases patient satisfaction.

Automated Small Claim Balance and Denial Management Technology

Value: Provides patented software that optimizes the efficiency in reconciling the recovery of denied claims, protects against future denials for same reasons


Impact: Guarantees at least a 300% ROI, increases workforce productivity

High Performance Pharmacy

Value: Provides new services, market strategies and optimizes pharmacy revenues


Impact: Historically at least 2% or more of Total Revenues realized in new revenues

HCC Coding Reclamation

Value: Addresses V.24 to V.28 conversion


Impact: Significant increase in value-based revenues

Chronic Care Management Solution

Value: Provides team of 100% U.S. based nurses to optimize care management and revenue streams for hospitals and physicians.


Impact: Enhances Quality of Care


Impact: Provides significant new cash through a “no-risk” approach AND significantly reduces staffing costs

Healthcare Data Activation Hub & Revenue Cycle Management

Value: Proprietary data engine and suite of AI & Automation Tools


Impact: Stops coding leakage, Recaptures underbilled revenues, Provides coding consistency and timely payor updates


Impact: Proactive Patient Outreach: Automation to Improve Quality Engagement and Drive Care Gap Closure


Impact: Cuts billing costs: Reduces Cost of Submitting Claims through Automation and gain a single portal to track and manage all bill activity.


Work-Force Management & Virtual Training Academy

Value: Provides a 3-step approach: 1-Benchmarking, 2-Designing and delivering a program, and 3-Sustaining results through supported Monitoring software. Virtual Training Academy (“VTA”) provides program for training and certifying mid-level leadership


Impact: Guarantees at least a 10:1 ROI


Impact: Ensures mid-level leadership has operational, financial and HR skills to optimize results

Equipment Service/Maintenance Solution

Value: Provides proprietary solution for optimizing cost savings and service delivery related to equipment maintenance services


Impact: Historical cost savings at least 20% benchmarked to current spend


Comment: Optimal value provided with aggregation

Support Services Solution

Value: Provides experienced team of experts focused on operational and financial performance improvement in support services areas including: Environment, Food, Security, Laundry, and Facilities


Impact: Historical cost savings at least 15% benchmarked to current spend

Energy Consumption Management Solution

Value: Drives measurable and sustainable energy cost savings.


Impact: Typical cost savings between 8% to 12%.

Medical Benefit Manager (“MBM”)

Value: Provides MBM alternative to current PBM


Value: Supports white label owned Solution through turn-key infrastructure support


Value: Provides Triple Aim results of lower costs, enhanced quality, and outcomes


Impact: Historical range of savings between $40 to $100+ Per Member Per Month.

Emergency Department and Hospital Medicine Advisory Services

Value: Provides innovative solutions to improve overall Emergency Department and Observation Patient management performance.


Value: Improved efficiency in the delivery of emergency department and outpatient observation patient care leading to improved ED throughput metrics, accurate patient status determination, and decreased inpatient denials


Impact: Historical revenue improvements and cost avoidance of between $2.7M and $11M+ annually


Direct to Employer (“D2E”) Health Plan Strategies & Solutions

Value: Provides best-in-class fully integrated resource platform to design and deliver D2E & /level-funded healthcare plans for Healthcare Systems/IDN’s and ACOs.


Impact: Provides foundation for value-based care, increased market share and overall margin optimization.

Self-Funded/Level-Funded Health Plan Solutions

Value: Provides best-in-class fully integrated resource platform to design and deliver self-funded/level-funded healthcare plans for small, medium, and large organizations.


Impact: Bends cost curve of continuous fully insured programs while improving the quality of life of participants.

Behavioral/Mental Health Services/Platform

Value: Top-tier team leveraged by state-of-art tele-medicine technology optimizes mental health outcomes supporting outpatient care


Value: Provides personalized wholistic care management approach supporting emergency department (consults)

Medical Withdrawal Management Program

Value: Assists Hospitals in fulfilling an unmet community need (New Service)


Value: Provides Turnkey, Jump-Start, and SaaS Licensing Options


Impact: Historical annual margin improvement between $375K to $2.0M+

Safe Environments

Value: Provides comprehensive approach to identifying, mitigating, and preventing unsafe environments including surface and air quality monitoring


Impact: zero infection environment in perioperative and other monitored areas of hospital and subacute care areas.


Comment: Joint Commission has called the “Gold Standard” for ensuring safe environments in hospitals

Proactive Care Management Platform

Value: Provides a fully integrated platform of proprietary monitoring devices supported by team of healthcare professionals collaborating to ensure no “gaps in care” of each patient.


Value: Creates a hospital in the home environment at the greatest value (highest quality care management at the lowest cost)


Impact: Lowers cost of care


Impact: Reduces readmission rates historically below 3%.


Impact: Mitigates risk and reduces costs in self-insured plan for employees